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  • Writer's pictureTeam Upper Inuman

FOURTH EXPOSURE: Service in the Time of COVID

The COVID pandemic has impacted millions of lives all over the world, affecting almost every aspect of society and impairing normal, everyday life. On the onset of the pandemic, quarantine measures were adopted, and with them, the age of “The New Normal”. During these unprecedented times, an additional unexpected challenge has been brought about to medical students of the Ateneo: how do we continue to be of service to the community while being away from the community itself?

True enough that the challenge of serving our community from our homes has proven to be difficult but doable. Luckily, technology has been able to serve us well in establishing communications with our contacts in the community and has helped us bridge the physical gap. Technology has also assisted us in creating pamphlets and posters that has replaced the need for face-to-face health teachings. With the aid of our local contacts, the educational materials have been distributed widely among the community populace, where members can safely discern information within the safety of their own homes.

While it was challenging, all acts of communication has been done in accordance with protocols provided in order to maintain social distancing, with emphasis on the importance of frequent handwashing and the use of masks. The same has been relayed to our contacts as they prepared for the distribution of educational paraphernalia to the community.

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